
“Clichés”. Les juifs du Maroc à travers la carte postale ancienne (1900–1920)

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(128 words)

Translated title Cliches. The Jews of Morocco through Old Postcards, 1900–1920

Paris, France, 1999. 12 pp., 16 pp., 17 postcards, illustrations: 17 col., 11 × 16 cm. French.




Musée d’ Art et d’ Histoire du Judaïsme (7 October 1999–2 January 2000)


Realistic and romantic portrayals of Moroccan Jews in early 20th-century postcards. Two essays, each presented in a post-card-size booklet: “Entre orientalisme et colonialisme: aspects d’ une collection de cartes postales sur les juifs du Maroc” [Between Orientalism and Colonialism: Aspects of a Collection of Postcards on the Jews of Morocco] and “Les couleurs de la nostalgie” [Painting Nostalgia]. 17 reproductions of historical postcards. 70 items.

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Historical photographsSynagogues, Morocco

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