
Was vom Leben übrig bleibt, sind Bilder und Geschichten. Max Liebermann zum 150. Geburtstag. Rekonstruktion der Gedächtnisausstellung des Berliner Jüdischen Museums von 1936

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(219 words)

Translated title What Remains from Life are Pictures and Stories. Max Liebermann’s 150th Birthday. Reconstruction of the Berlin Jewish Museum’s Memorial Exhibition of 1936

Hermann Simon.


Berlin, Germany, 1997. 272 pp., illustrations: 55 col., 108 b&w, 26 × 20.5 cm. German.




Stiftung Neue Synagoge Berlin—Centrum Judaicum (5 May–3 August 1997)


A reconstruction of the Berlin Jewish Museum’s 1936 exhibition on Max Liebermann. Introductory essay “Max Liebermann und das Berliner Jüdische Museum” [Max Liebermann and the Berlin Jewish Museum] by Hermann Simon. Full reproduction of the original exhibition catalog. 9 catalog essays discuss: Liebermann’s family history, his role as president of the Prussian Academy of Art, the rise of antisemitism during his time, his death mask, his reception in Israel, etc. Three Judaica objects (2 Torah ark curtains and a pair of candlesticks) donated to synagogues by members of the Liebermann family are featured on pp. 58–59. Extensive descriptive entries. 116 items.

main keywords


minor keywords

Antisemitic images/objectsBerlinBerliner Jüdisches Museum, history ofCandlesticks/CandelabraEretz IsraelGermanyHistorical documentsHistorical photographsJudaica exhibitions, pre-World War II (photographs of)Torah Ark curtains

Related ephemera

Invitation to exhibition opening, leaflet, 2 pp., cover illus. only, 21 × 10 cm.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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