
“Judenfrei!” Nur noch Steine zeugen vom jüdischen Landleben in Franken. Eine foto-dokomentarische Ausstellung vom Jim G. Tobias zum 60. Jahrestag der Verkündung der “Nürnberger Rassegesetze”

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(159 words)

Translated title “Free of Jews!” Only Stones Still Testify to Jewish Country Life in Franconia. A Photo-Documentary Exhibition by Jim G. Tobias on the 60th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Nuremberg Racial Laws
Editor & Curator

Jim G. Tobias.


Nuremberg, Germany, 1995. 72 pp., illustrations: 34 col., 46 b&w, 20.8 × 21 cm. German.


Stadtbibliothek Nuremberg (1995)


Contemporary photographs documenting Jewish sites in Franconia, primarily cemeteries. Introductory text gives a brief overview of the region’s history, Jewish religion and culture, and Jewish burial practices. Illustrations with explanatory captions. No itemized listing.

main keywords


minor keywords

Cemeteries, FranconiaCemeteries, GermanyGermanySynagogues, FranconiaSynagogues, Germany

Other venues

Stadtarchiv Bamberg, Germany (3 November–8 December 1995); Burg Feuerstein, Ebermannstadt, Germany (9 November–16 December 1996); Egidienkirche, Nuremberg, Germany (19–31 August 1998); Volkshochschule Erlangen, Germany (9 November–23 December 1998); Johanniskirche, Eichstätt, Germany (25 January–6 February 2000)

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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