
Segne, Gott, uns das tägliche Brot

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(117 words)

Translated title Bless, O God, our Daily Bread
Editor & Curator

Walter Röll.


Trier, Germany, 1994. Booklet, 16 pp., no illustrations, 21 × 15 cm. German.


Universitätsbibliothek Trier (1994)


Description of the 15 Yiddish finds from the genizah of the Ediger synagogue (Rhineland-Palatinate) by Walter Röll. These items were presented in a separate vitrine by the Trier University (Fachbereich für Jiddistik [Department of Yiddish Studies]) in connection with the exhibition Genizah—Hidden Legacy of the German Village Jews (#1205), which was shown at the Universitätsbibliothek Trier, 3 November–16 December 1994.

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Book bindingsCalendarsGermanyJewish National FundPrayerbooks/MahzorsRhineland-PalatinateTsena u-Rena

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