
Hier hat Teitelbaum gewohnt. Ein Gang durch das jüdische Wien in Zeit und Raum

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(192 words)

Translated title Teitelbaum Lived Here. A Walk in Time and Space Through Jewish Vienna
Editor & Curator

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek.


Vienna, Austria, 1993. 80 pp., illustrations: 29 col., 4 b&w, 36.5 × 27.2 cm. German.




Jüdisches Museum Wien (21 November 1993–5 May 1994)


The inaugural exhibition of the Jewish Museum of Vienna, offering a pointed and compressed history of Jewish Vienna. A walk-on city map of 1931 provided the point of departure for a presentation of diverse elements of Jewish Vienna’s cultural history. Each of the landmarks featured dealt with a particular facet of the history and culture of Viennese Jewry, which was further illustrated by select objects. Foreword on the opening of the new museum by Julius H. Schoeps. Introductory essay on the exhibition by Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek. Detailed entries by various contributors. 28 items.

main keywords


minor keywords

Antisemitic images/objectsHerzl, TheodoreHistorical documentsHolocaustKeter TorahKetubbotSalonsSoldiers (Jewish) & related objectsTombstones, AustriaTorah aliyah plaquesTorah Ark curtainsTorah Arks, miniatureHebrew printing, typefaces

Related ephemera

English translation of catalog entries, 30 pp.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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