
‮בית-כנסת שמואל הלוי (אל טרנסיטו) טולידו, ספרד‬‎ La Sinagoga de Samuel ha-Levi (“El Tránsito”), Toledo, España. The Synagogue of Samuel Halevy (“El Tránsito”), Toledo, Spain

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(152 words)

Editor & Curator

Mordechai Omer.


Tel Aviv, Israel, 1992. 196 pp., illustrated: 17 col., 159 b&w, 23.5 × 29.6 cm. Hebrew, English, and Spanish.


Tel Aviv University, Genia Schreiber University Art Gallery (1992)


Monumental publication on the El Tránsito synagogue, and Iberian Jewish life and culture. 5 essays on the synagogue (Mordechai Omer), its Mudejar decoration (Basilio Pavón Maldonado), the inscriptions in its hall (Ittai Tamari), and the city of Toledo as a reflection of Spanish Jewish history (Ron Barkai). Catalog section addresses 18 topics, including the synagogues of Spain, the development of the Sephardic letter, the molding technique of architectural inscriptions, the Hebrew letter as ornament, and various components of El Tránsito’s decoration. Brief introductory texts. No itemized listing.

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Hebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 12th–14th CSpainSynagogues, inscriptions fromSynagogues, Spain

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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