
“… auf freiem Platze als freier Tempel befreiter Brüder”. Aspekte jüdischen Lebens in Hildesheim 1848–1938. Begleithefte zu Ausstellungen des Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museums, Heft 2

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(125 words)

Translated title “… at a Free Place as a Free Temple for Freed Brethren”. Aspects of Jewish Life in Hildesheim 1848–1938. Companion Booklets for the Exhibitions of the Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum, Booklet 2

Hildesheim, Germany, 1992. 146 pp., illustrations: 18 b&w, 29.2 × 21 cm. German.


Stadtmuseum im Knochenhauer-Amtshaus Hildesheim (1 June–30 October 1992)


Collection of texts, documents and photographs relating to the history of Hildesheim Jewry. 15 sections dedicated to: the community, the cemetery, the synagogue, and various historical periods. Catalog includes numerous reproductions of historical documents and ephemera. 62 items.

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Antisemitic images/objectsCemeteries, HildesheimCemeteries, GermanyGermanyKristallnachtSynagogues, GermanySynagogues, HildesheimTombstones, Germany

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