Editor |
Stefan Reif. |
Curator |
Eleazar Gutwirth. |
Imprint |
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1992. 29 pp., illustrated, 21 cm. English. |
Location |
Cambridge University Library (November–December 1992) |
Description |
Judaeo-Spanish items from the Library’s collections, with particular emphasis on those from the Cairo Genizah that reflect the dominance of Sephardi Jews in the Cairo community after 1492. Introductory essay on Hispano-Jewish society and cluture before and after the Expulsion, its nature, literary contributions, romantic misrepresentation by historians, etc. by Eleazar Gutwirth. Listing of exhibits, including decorated and un-decorated manuscripts, an autograph letter from Maimonides, numerous personal letters, and printed books, each with brief description. 91 items. |
main keywords |
minor keywords |
AmuletsHebrew illuminated manuscripts, BiblesHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 12TH–14TH CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 15th CIncunabulaKetubbotMaimonidesMenasseh ben IsraelMicrographyPrayerbooks/MahzorsPrayers for the sovereignPrinted books |