
Židovské mésto v Boskovicích v historických dokumentech a ve výtvarném umění. The Jewish Quarter in Boskovice in Historical and Artistic Records

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(108 words)


Boskovice, Czech Republic, 1992. Booklet, 14 pp., illustrations: 5 col., 40 b&w, 30.5 × 21 cm. Czech, with English summary.


Conservatory, Boskovice (5–26 July 1992)


Documents and objects related to Boskovice’s Jewish Quarter, presented to remind the public of its past glory and provide inspiration for its restoration. Material organized in three parts: historical artifacts, drawings and pictures, and a photographic collage of the present state of the Quarter and the cemetery. No itemized listing.

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minor keywords

Cemeteries, Czech RepublicCostumeCzech RepublicDrawings/SketchesPrinted booksTombstones, Czech RepublicTorah Ark curtainsTorah mantles

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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