
From the Ends of the Earth. Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(303 words)


Abraham J. Karp, Michael W. Grunberger.


Washington, D.C., USA, 1991. 25 pp., illustrations: 6 col., 6 b&w, 30.3 × 18.1 cm. English.




Library of Congress (June–August 1991)


Exceptional pieces of Judaica and Hebraica from the Libary’s holdings, displayed to recall the Jewish experience and America’s hospitality to all peoples. Reflected throughout the exhibition is the Nation’s commitment to collecting, preserving and providing access to these cultures. Exhibition checklist in 7 sections, each with brief introductory text: First Judaica and Judaica Firsts, Cornerstones of the Faith (Bible, Talmud, commentaries), Adding Beauty to Holiness (decorated manuscripts and prints), The Jew in His World: Witness to History, In the New World, America: Haven and Home, and In Our Mind’s Eye: The World of Our Fathers. Basic entries. 224 items.

main keywords


minor keywords

Aleph-Bet booksAntisemitic images/objectsBiblesFlavius JosephusFreud, SigmundHaggadotHaggadot, illuminated manuscriptsHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Ashkenaz, 12th–14th CHebrew printers, femaleHoly Land travelogues/itinerariesJoel ben Shimon (scribe-artist)KabbalahKetubbotMaimonidesMaps, Holy LandMaps, JerusalemMedicineMenorah as symbolMicrographyMinhagim booksMontefiore, MosesMusicPrayerbooks/MahzorsScrolls of Esther, illuminatedSpinoza, BaruchSzyk, ArthurTalmudUnited States

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Karp, Abraham, From the Ends of the Earth. Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress, 1991. Monumental book surveying the Library’s Judaica and Hebraica holdings and covering numerous aspects of Jewish history, texts, and art. Foreword by James H. Billington. 19 chapters, including: First Judaica and Judaica Firsts, The Book of the People of the Book, Charting the Holy Land, and Adding Beauty to Holiness. Includes exhibition checklist, with items listed according to chapters in the book. Basic entries for 229 items.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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