
Jüdisch-Deutsches aus Gunzenhausen und Umgebung. Begleitheft zur Sonderausstellung

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(128 words)

Translated title Jewish-German objects from Gunzenhausen and its Surroundings. Companion Booklet to the Special Exhibition

Mosche N. Rosenfeld.


Ralf Rossmeissl.


Gunzenhausen, Germany, 1991. Leaflet, 6 pp., cover illustration only, 21 × 15 cm. German.


Museum Gunzenhausen (November 1991–30 March 1992)


The Jews of Gunzenhausen and its environs. Foreword by Ralf Rossmeisel. Introductory essay by Mosche N. Rosenfeld on the centrality of the Torah in Judaism, its appearance, and its ornaments. Two objects pictured: a printed mahzor, and a Torah fragment used to line the sole of a shoe. No itemized listing.

main keywords


minor keywords

GermanyPrayerbooks/MahzorsTorah (scroll)

Related ephemera

Press coverage of the exhibition opening, Altmühl-Bote, Nr. 255, 4 November 1991; Exhibition text panels, 8 pp.

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