
Leben und Schicksal der Juden in Borken

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(96 words)

Translated title Life and Fate of the Jews in Borken

Borken, Germany, 1989. 119 pp., illustrations: 55 col., 70 b&w, 23 × 20.5 cm. German.


Stadtmuseum Borken (9–27 November 1989)


The history of the region’s Jews in photographs and documents. Chronological presentation in five parts, each with introductory text. Material on the community, its families, and its synagogues presented in the second section, 1850–1933. No itemized listing.

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GermanyHistorical photographsHomes/Residences, JewishSynagogues, BorkenSynagogues, GermanyTorah binders

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