
Židovi na tlu Jugoslavije

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(338 words)

Translated title Jews in Yugoslavia

Slavko Goldstein.


Vidosava Nedomački.


Zagreb, Croatia, 1988. 340 pp., illustrations: 66 col., 165 b&w, 27.8 × 22 cm. Serbo-Croatian.


Muzejski prostor (14 April–5 June 1988)


Jewish history, culture and life in Yugoslavia. Catalog in 23 sections, each with short essay and numerous illustrations. Topics include: ghettos, cemeteries, synagogue architecture, Judaism, religious rites and customs, festivals, costume, mourning, the arts, etc. Most text by S. Goldstein and V. Nedomački. Basic and descriptive entries. 1625 items.


Two other exhibitions were shown alongside this main presentation: “Music in Ancient Israel” (from the Haifa Music Museum, featuring ancient instruments and their presentation on ancient artifacts), and “Painting Sculpture and Applied Art” (exhibition by contemporary Yugoslav Jewish artists).

main keywords


minor keywords

AmuletsAntisemitic images/objectsArchaeological findsBook bindingsCemeteries, YugoslaviaChallah coversChallah knivesCircumcision implements/objectsEtrog containersHaggadot, illuminated manuscriptsHanukkah lampsHead coverings, women’sHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 12th–14th CHevra KadishaHevra Kadisha illuminated manuscriptsHolocaustJewelryKeter TorahKetubbotKiddush cupsMezuzah casesNer TamidOil lamps, ancientPesach platesPortraitsPostersPrayerbooks/MahzorsPrayerbooks, bagsPrints, Jewish customs & ceremoniesRabbis, garmentsRimmonimScrolls of Esther, illuminatedShabbat platesShechita knivesSoldiers (Jewish) & related objectsSynagogue chairs/benchesSynagogue chairs, rabbi’sSynagogues, ancient, DiasporaSynagogues, architectureSynagogues, destruction ofSynagogues, YugoslaviaTalit bagsTassTombstones, ancientTombstones, medievalTombstones, YugoslaviaTorah Ark curtainsTorah Ark valancesTorah bindersTorah mantlesWedding invitationsYadYahrzeit/Memorial plaques/sheetsZionism

Related ephemera

“Guide to the Exhibition”, with summary of each section and its objects, and description of two supplemental exhibitions (listed above), booklet, 8 pp., 28 × 22 cm. Serbo-Croatian and English.

Other venues

Collegium Artisticum, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (12 July–1 September 1988); Jevrejski Istorijski Muzej, Belgrade, Serbia (1989); New York and Toronto (1990) (venues unknown)

Other edition

abbreviated, English edition, 1989 [#1034]

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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