
Juden in Leipzig. Eine Dokumentation zur Ausstellung anläßlich des 50. Jahrestages der faschistischen Pogromnacht

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(153 words)

Translated title Jews in Leipzig. Documentation for an Exhibition on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Night of the Fascist Pogrom
Editors & Curators

Manfred Unger, Hubert Lang.


Leipzig, Germany, 1988. 239 pp., illustrations: more than 550 b&w, 28 × 20 cm. German.


Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, Ausstellungszentrum (5 November–17 December 1988)


History of the Jewish community of Leipzig, from the Middle Ages until the 20th C. Profusely-illustrated catalog, mostly with historical documents and historical photographs. Introduction “Juden in Leipzig” by Manfred Unger. Brief explanatory texts on numerous events and individuals throughout. No itemized listing.

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Cemeteries, GermanyCemeteries, LeipzigGermanyHanukkah lampsHolocaustKeter TorahKiddush cupsPesach plates, 3-tieredPrints, antisemiticPrints, synagoguesRimmonimSynagogues, architectureSynagogues, GermanySynagogues, LeipzigTassTombstones, GermanyTorah Ark curtainsTorah mantlesYad

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