
Juden in Geldern. Eine Ausstellung zur Erinnerung an die Zerstörung der Synagoge in Geldern

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(91 words)

Translated title Jews in Geldern. An Exhibition to Commemorate the Destruction of the Synagogue in Geldern

Geldern, Germany, 1988. 65 pp. 29.5 × 21 cm. German.


Stadtarchiv Geldern (November 1988)


Historical documentary exhibition on Jewish life in Geldern, beginning in the Middle Ages and ending with the Holocaust. Eight sections, most of them chronological, with one dedicated to the synagogue and another to the cemetery. No itemized listing.

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Cemeteries, GeldernCemeteries, GermanyGermanySynagogues, GeldernSynagogues, Germany

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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