
Arte e cultura ebraiche in Emilia-Romagna

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(366 words)

Translated title Jewish Art and Culture in Emilia-Romagna

Annie Sacerdoti, Franco Bonilauri, Anna Marcella Falco Tedeschi, Vicenza Maugeri, Luisa Mortara Ottolenghi.


Milan, Italy, 1988. 188 pp. (incl. 154 pls.), illustrations: 124 col., 8 b&w, 27 × 23.4 cm. Italian.


Palazzo dei Diamanti and Palazzo Paradiso, Ferrara (20 September 1988–15 January 1989)


Richly-illustrated catalog on Jewish life in Emilia-Romagna over the course of 500 years. Eight essays, including “Artigiani e botteghe in Emilia per la committenza ebraica” by Jadankra Bentini, on Jewish commissions from artisans and workshops in Emilia-Romagna. Also includes “Manoscritti ebraica miniati nelle biblioteche dell/Emilia-Romagna” by Luisa Mortara Ottolenghi, a listing of 43 Hebrew illuminated manuscripts from various places and periods housed in libraries in Emilia-Romagna. Basic entries. 169 items.


This exhibition was part of a larger exhibition project dedicated to the history and cultural riches of the Jews of Emilia-Romagna and the Jews of Prague. The material from Emilia-Romagna was divided between two locations, with the objects being displayed in the Palazzo dei Diamanti, and the manuscripts in the Palazzo Paradiso. Meraviglie dal ghetto. Il tesoro ebraico di Prage [Wonders of the Ghetto. The Treasury of Jewish Prague] was shown at the same time, in the Palazzo dei Diamanti. See #958.

main keywords


minor keywords

AmuletsBook bindingsCircumcision garmentsCircumcision implements/objectsElijah’s chairEtrog containersHaggadot, illuminated manuscriptsHanukkah lampsHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Ashkenaz, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, BiblesHebrew illuminated manuscripts, France, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Italy, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Italy, 15th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 15th CKeter TorahKetubbotKiddush cupsMezuzah casesMicrographyNer TamidPesach platesPrinted booksRimmonimScrolls of Esther, casesScrolls of Esther, engraved bordersShabbat lampsShabbat platesSynagogues, Emilia-RomagnaSynagogues, ItalyTalitTassTemple of Jerusalem modelsTorah Ark curtainsTorah ArksTorah binders, ItalianTorah mantlesYad

Other venue

Jewish Community Museum, San Francisco, Calif., USA (3 October–31 December 1989)

Catalog from other venue


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