
Insediamento ebraico in Ivrea

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(255 words)

Translated title Jewish Settlement in Ivrea

Giorgio Avigdor, Raffaele Pugliese.


Ivrea, Italy, 1985. 12 pp., illustrations: 4 b&w, 30 × 21.5 cm. Italian.


Museo Civico Ivrea (8–19 December 1985)


Two exhibitions related to the Jews of Ivrea, presented simultaneously at different locations “Vita e cultura ebraica: documentazione fotografica sulla presenza ebraica in Piemonte nei secoli XVIII e XIX” [Jewish Life and Culture. Photographic Documentation of the Jewish Presence in Piedmont in the XVIII and XIX Centuries] (Avigdor, Museo Civico Ivrea), a regional exhibition which traveled to cities throughout Piedmont, and “Oggetti di culto e di tradizione ebraica” [Objects of Worship and Jewish Tradition] (Pugliese, Centro Congress), a local exhibition on Jewish ceremonial objects. Folder with texts on the synagogue, a brief history of Ivrea’s Jewish community, rabbis, etc. No itemized listing.

main keywords


minor keywords

GhettosItalySynagogues, ItalySynagogues, IvreaSynagogues, Piedmont

Other venues for Piedmont exhibition

Alessandria, Italy (May 1983); Convento San Domenico, Chieri, Italy (4–20 December 1983); Palazzo Mazzetti, Asti, Italy (25 March–25 April 1984); Palazzo Burotti di Scagnello, Cherasco, Italy (26 April–6 May 1984); Palazzo Graneri della Roccia, Circolo degli artisti, Turin, Italy (14 June–10 July 1984); Biblioteca Civica, Saluzzo, Italy (15–30 April 1985); Synagogue Hekhal Haness, Geneva, Switzerland (14–29 May 1987); Palazzo Lomellini, Carmagnola, Italy (28 January–11 February 1996)

Catalogs from other venues

#731 (Alessandria); #737 (Chieri); #768 (Asti); #770 (Cherasco); #802 (Turin); #840 (Saluzzo); #910 (Geneva); #1393 (Carmagnola)

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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