
Ketubbot italiane. Antichi contratti nuziali ebraici miniati. Italian Ketubbot. Illuminated Jewish Marriage Contracts

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(134 words)


Pier Francesco Fumagalli.


Milan, Italy, 1984. 265 pp., illustrations: 79 col., 20 b&w, 32.5 × 23.5. Italian and English.


Biblioteca Ambrosiana (8 November–8 December 1981)


The catalog was issued three years after the exhibition.


Illuminated ketubbot from throughout Italy. Monumental, well-illustrated catalog with 7 essays that were presented at the international conference “Ketubbot italiane” (8 November 1981) in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana. Topics include: Ketubbah ornamentation (Gabriella Sed Rajna), the iconographical origins of the Venetian ketubbah (Iris Fishof), ornamental writing on Italian ketubbot (Pier Francesco Fumagalli), decorative characteristics of Italian ketubbot from various regions (Hava Lazar), and the symbolism and reality of ketubbah decoration (Luisa Mortara Ottolenghi). Full-page illustration and descriptive entry (including textual details) for each exhibit. 60 items.

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Catalog of Catalogs Online

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