
Reichskristallnacht in Hannover. Eine Ausstellung zur 40. Wiederkehr des 9. November 1938

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(97 words)

Translated title Kristallnacht in Hanover. An Exhibition on the 40th Anniversary of November 9, 1938

Waldemar R. Röhrbein.


Hanover, Germany, 1978. 136 pp., illustrations: 31 b&w, 20 × 15.5 cm. German.


Historisches Museum am Hohen Ufer (7 November 1978–21 January 1979)


Historical essays about the Jews of Hanover, Emancipation through post-Holocaust. Includes images of a few synagogues, and a section on Kristallnacht (Klaus Mlynek). No itemized listing.

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Antisemitic images/objectsGermanyHistorical documentsHistorical photographsSynagogues, architectureSynagogues, GermanySynagogues, Hanover

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