
Svečana akademija. Povodom 30 godina rada Muzeja. Izložba “Vezene tkanine iz jevrejskih zbirki u jugoslaviji”. Izložba “Dela likovne i primenjene umetnosti poklonjena muzeju provodom proslave 30 godina rada”

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(124 words)

Translated title Ceremony on the Occasion of the Museum’s 30th Anniversary. Exhibition “Embroidered Textiles from the Jewish Collection in Yugoslavia”. Exhibition “Fine and Applied Arts, Given to the Museum in Honor of its 30-Year Anniversary”

Milica Mihailović.


Belgrade, Serbia, 1978. Leaflet, 8 pp., illustrations: 3 b&w, 21 × 10 cm. Serbo-Croatian.


Jevrejski Istorijski Muzej (14 April–3 May 1978)


2 exhibits announced in one leaflet: one on Jewish textiles (see #578), the other on contemporary fine arts objects donated to the Museum. Artists listed according to medium. No itemized listing of exhibits.

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Hanukkah lampsKeter TorahSynagogue lampsTassTorah Ark curtainsTorah bindersTorah mantlesYad

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