
Vlooyenburgs Verval

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(98 words)

Translated title The Decline of Vlooyenburg

Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1978. Booklet, 52 pp., illustrations: 12 b&w, 15 × 19.5 cm. Dutch.


Joods Historisch Museum (15 June–30 July 1978)


The history of 12 monuments located in the old Jewish section of Amsterdam. The exhibition was held in the former Ashkenazic Synagogue quarter, future home of the Jewish Museum. Nos. 7 & 8 discuss the Ashkenazic and Portuguese Synagogues. Foreword by Judith Belinfante. No itemized listing.

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minor keywords

Historical photographsNetherlandsPrints, Jewish sitesPrints, synagoguesSynagogues, AmsterdamSynagogues, Netherlands

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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