
Manoscritti biblici ebraici decorati. Decorated Hebrew Bible Manuscripts

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(178 words)


Valeria Antonioli Martelli, Luisa Mortara Ottolenghi.


Milan, Italy, 1966. 101 pp., 40 pls., illustrations: 6 col., 34 b&w, 16.5 × 23.5 cm. Italian, with essays also in English.


Castello Sforzesco, Biblioteca Trivulziana (2–28 March 1966)


50 Hebrew illuminated manuscripts from public and private Italian collections. Includes three essays: “La Bibbia e il popolo ebraico—The Bible and the Hebrew Nation” (Roberto Bonfil), “Il manoscritto ebraico—Hebrew Manuscripts” (Carlo Bernheimer), and “La decorazione dei codici ebraici biblici—The Decoration of Hebrew Bible Manuscripts” (Cecil Roth). Detailed descriptions by Valeria Antonioli Martelli and Luisa Mortara Ottolenghi. 50 items.

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Book bindingsHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Ashkenaz, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, France, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Italy, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Italy, 15th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 12th–14th CScrolls of Esther, illuminated

Related ephemera

Exhibition flyer, with descriptions of the exhibition and catalog, 4 pp., 1 b&w illus., 22.7 × 14.8 cm. Italian and English.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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