
‮קטלוג תערוכת החסידות. במלאת מאתיים שנה להסתקלות רבי ישראל בעל שם טוב זצ״ל‬‎

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(121 words)

Translated title Catalog for the Exhibition on Hassidism. In Celebration of the 200th-Year Anniversary of the Ba’al Shem Tov

Yishayahu Mintz, Avraham Rediger.


Tel Aviv, Israel, 1960. 40 pp., illustrations: 21 b&w, 23 × 13.7 cm. Hebrew.


Beit HaSofer (5 September–15 October 1960)


A selection of ceremonial objects that once belonged to great Hassidic rabbis. 193 objects.

main keywords


minor keywords

BesamimCandlesticks/CandelabraCoinsHanukkah lampsHead coverings, men’sHistorical documentsKiddush cupsMezuzah casesPrinted booksSmoking implementsTassTefillin casesTorah Arks, miniature

Related ephemera

Exhibition souvenir: dark blue kippah, printed in yellow with images of a spice tower and the words ‮תערוכת החסידות‬‎.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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