
Chefs-d’ Oeuvre Hébraïques de las Bibliothèque Royale de Copenhague. Manuscrits, incunables, éditions du XVIe siècle. Exposition de 181 manuscrits, incunables et autres éditions rares de la Bibliotheca Judaica Simonseniana de Copenhague

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(221 words)

Translated title Hebrew Masterpieces of the Royal Library in Copenhagen. Manuscripts, Incunabula, Sixteenth-Century Editions. Exhibition of 181 Manuscripts, Incunabula and Rare Editions of the Simonseniana Judaica Library of Copenhagen

Royal Library, Copenhagen


Paris, France, 1952. 63 pp., illustrations: 11 b&w, 18.5 × 14 cm. French.


Galerie Royale Paris (18–30 December 1952)


A traveling exhibition of books and manuscripts from the Royal Library in Copenhagen. With three essays: “Le Peuple du Livre” [The People of the Book] (H. Schilli), “La ‘Bibliotheca Judaica Simonseniana’ à la Bibliothèque Royale de Copenhague” [The Simonseniana Judaica Libary] (Rafael Edelmann), and “Le Livre Hébraique et sa Places dans l’ Histoire de l’ Impremerie” [The Hebrew Book and its Place in the History of Printing] (André Blum). Detailed listings. 181 items.

main keywords


minor keywords

BiblesHaggadotHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Ashkenaz, 12th–14th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Bohemia-Moravia & Germany, 17th–19th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Italy, 15th–16th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 12th–14th CKetubbotPrayerbooks/Mahzors

Other venues

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium (18–25 January 1953); Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy (22 February–1 March 1953); Château des Rohan, Strasbourg, France (14–21 February 1954)

Catalogs from other venues

#139 (Brussels); #143 (Milan); #159 (Strasbourg)

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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