
‮יידישע גראפיק‬‎

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

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Translated title Jewish Graphics

Tartu, Estonia, 1938. 18 pp., 12 pp. (pls.), illustrations: 13 b&w, 20 × 14.5 cm. Yiddish.


Higher Art School Pallas, Tartu (April–May 1938)


Works of Jewish graphic artists presented by Julius Genss as part of his quest to prove the existence of contemporary Jewish art. Due to the cost and risk of transporting oil paintings during this tense period, Genns decided to concentrate on graphics. More than 200 works were gathered, representing artists such as Chagall, Israëls, Liebermann, Struck (who sent exhibits from Tel Aviv), and Solomon Yudovin (from the Soviet Union), as well as works by Polish artists (contributed from Paris, Warsaw, Vilna and the United States), and by Jewish students whose works were sent from the art school in Vilna. Of all the pieces exhibited, fewer than 40 have survived. Alphabetical listing by artists’ last name. 211 items.


The exhibition did not travel after its showing in Riga, as Genss feared losing the collection due to the War, which broke out in September 1939. The Collection was indeed confiscated (along with other items) from Genss’ apartment after he was evacuated. An album containing many of the graphics was secretly returned to him, however, by a professor from Tartu University who worked at the headquarters where stolen treasures were being held.


For a later essay on the exhibition see #1025 (1988).

main keywords


minor keywords

Prints, Jewish figuresPrints, synagoguesWoodcuts

Other venues

Jewish Society, Karja St., Tallinn (1938); Riga, Latvia (1939)

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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