
Ausstellung jüdischer Kult-Geräte und Einrichtungen für Synagoge und Haus. Veranstaltet von dem Verband Bayerischer Israelitischer Gemeinden und der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde München anlässlich der Verbandstagung Juni 1930 im Saale der Gesellschaft “Concordia”, München, Prannerstr. 4

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(251 words)

Translated title Exhibition of Jewish Ceremonial Objects for Synagogue and Home. Organized by the Bavarian Association of Jewish Communities and the Jewish Community of Munich on the Occasion of the Federation Meeting in June 1930 in the Society Hall “Concordia”, Munich, Prannerstr. 4

Theodor Harburger.


Munich, Germany, 1930. 27 pp., no illustrations, 25.5 × 17.6 cm. German.


Saal der Gesellschaft “Concordia” (June 1930)


Ceremonial objects from Bavarian private and public collections. Mimeograph catalog. Two-page introduction. Basic listing. 128 items.

main keywords


minor keywords

AmuletsAryeh Judah Leib ben Elchanan of Trebitsch (scribe-artist)Aryeh Leib ben Daniel (scribe-artist)BesamimBlessing sheets, decoratedBook bindingsBridal/Wedding beltsCandlesticks/CandelabraCircumcision cupsCircumcision implements/objectsEruv containersEtrog containersGriselini, FrancescoHanukkah lampsHanukkah lamps, synagogueHavdalah candleholdersHead coverings, women’sHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Bohemia-Moravia & Germany, 17th–19th CKeter TorahKetubbotKiddush cupsLevite setsMemor booksMezuzah casesMizrachPaintings, synagoguesPesach pillow coversPesach platesPrayerbooks/MahzorsPurim platesRimmonimScrolls of Esther, casesScrolls of Esther, engraved bordersScrolls of Esther, illuminatedSeals/Stamps, personalShabbat lampsTassTorah Ark curtainsTorah Ark valancesTorah ArksTorah bindersTorah mantlesWedding ringsYad

Related ephemera

Exhibition review: Harburger, Theo, Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeitung, Nr. 13 (1930), pp. 207–208; Exhibition review: Gröber, Karl, “Alte jüdische Kunst. Zur Ausstellung im Konkordiasaal in München”, Bayerische Israelitische Gemeindezeitung, Nr. 15 (1930), pp. 235–237.

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