
Catalog: Collection of Art Works by Boris Schatz

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(131 words)


Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, 1930. Booklet, 16 pp., illustrations: 14 b&w, 19 × 13 cm. English.


HUC-JIR Skirball Museum (ca. 1930)


Works by Boris Schatz, founder of the Bezalel Art School, displayed according to themes: Biblical and Apocryphal Characters, Jewish Ceremonial Life, Jewish Types, Jewish Celebrities. Itemized listing. Brief words of explanation. 60 items.


The Boris Schatz Collection was donated to the Skirball Museum, Cincinnati, by philanthropist Joseph Schonthal in 1926. These works had previously constituted the “Boris Schatz Gallery” at the Bezalel Art School in Jerusalem. The exhibition appears to have been held sometime between the time of this donation and Schatz’s death in 1932.

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Bezalel Art SchoolPaintings, biblical imagesPaintings, Jewish customs & ceremonies

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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