
Tentoonstelling van voorwerpen betrekking hebbende op Joodsche zeden en gewoonten (1ste gedeelte). Februari 1929–September 1929

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(207 words)

Translated title Exhibition of Objects Relating to Jewish Morals and Practices (first installment). February 1929–September 1929

Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1929. Booklet, 8 pp., no illustrations, 29 × 20.8 cm. Dutch.


Museum-Commissie van het Genootschap voor de Joodsche Wetenschap in Nederland, No. 5


Amsterdams Historisch Museum (ca. 12 February–September 1929)


Ceremonial objects, especially those related to birth and marriage. Organized by the commission which was the precursor to the Jewish Museum in Amsterdam. Brief introduction. Basic listings. 113 items.


The fifth in a series of six exhibitions, each relating to the history of Jewish Amsterdam, organized by the Genootschap voor de Joodsche Wetenschap in Nederland, 1926–1930. These exhibitions were presented in the tower of the newly-opened Amsterdams Historisch Museum, located in the Oude Waaggebouw (the future home of the Joods Historisch Museum).


For the other exhibitions in this series, see: #39, #46, #47, #55, and #65.

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AmsterdamBook bindingsHalitza shoeKetubbotKiddush cupsMedalsMezuzah casesMizrachNetherlandsPidyon ha-BenPrinted booksPrints, costumePrints, Jewish customs & ceremoniesTalitTorah bindersWedding gifts (sivlonot)Wedding poems, riddles & songsWedding ringsWedding sofas/stools

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