
Austellung der patriotischen Kriegsmetallsammlung im Festsaal des Militärkasinos I. Schwarzenbergplatz Nr. 1. Verzeichnis historisch und künstlerisch hervorragender Spenden

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(234 words)

Translated title An Exhibition of Patriotic Collecting of Metal During the War in the Hall of the Militärkasino I. Schwarzenbergplatz Nr. 1. Directory of Historically and Artistically Outstanding Donations

Vienna, Austria, 1915. VIII, 81 pp., XLVIII pls., illustrations: 172 b&w, 30.3 × 23.4 cm. German.


Militärkasino (December 1915–1916)


Several thousand metal objects collected for the war effort by the Ministry of War whose artistic or historical value exceeded that of their materials. Rather than being melted down, these items were placed on exhibition and offered to Austrian museums for their collections (to which they were transferred only in 1924). The majority of Jewish exhibits were brass synagogue and Hanukkah lamps (see pp. 43–44, nos. 2489–2590, and pl. XXI). Many of them were acquired by the Jüdisches Museum Wien. Brief descriptions. 4,470 items.


Most of the items displayed in the Jüdisches Museum Wien prior to 1938 were acquired from this exhibition.

main keywords


minor keywords

BesamimCandlesticks/CandelabraJüdisches Museum WienWall sconcesWedding plates

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Nachtrag zum Verzeichnis der Ausstellung der Patriotischen Kriegsmetallsammlung (I, II, III), n.d. Three supplemental lists recording 1609 additional contributions. For Jewish items (mostly Hanukkah and other lamps) see nos. 4513, 4552, 4617, 4662, 4663, 4739, 4769, 4772, 4938, 5143–5154, 5158, 5209–5215, and 5248–5265.

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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