
Katalog der Ausstellung neuerer Lehr- und Anschauungsmittel für den Unterricht an Mittelschulen

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(202 words)

Translated title Exhibition of Recent Teaching Aids for Lessons in High Schools

Jakob Zeidler.


Vienna, Austria, 1903. XII, 169 pp., 22.5 × 14.8 cm. German.


Österreichisches Museum für Kunst und Industrie (5–26 April 1903)


Wide-ranging exhibition of teaching aids for lessons in high schools, focusing on various branches of the humanities, arranged in 15 sections. Topics included: Catholic Religion, Protestant Religion, German Language, Geography, History, Physics, Experimental Pyschology, etc. Jewish exhibits listed in Section III, entitled “Mosaische Religion” in the table of contents, and “Israelitische Religion” within the text (pp. 13–15), under the chairmanship of Leopold Goldhammer. The 47 numbered entries comprise 70 exhibits, including some photographs, replicas and facsimiles of original objects. 1,875 items.

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minor keywords

Aaron Wolf Herlingen of Gewitsch (scribe-artist)BesamimCoinsHaggadot, illuminated manuscriptsHanukkah lampsHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Bohemia-Moravia and Germany, 17th–19th CHistorical documentsHistorical photographsKetubbotMaps, Holy LandMedalsMenasseh ben IsraelMezuzah casesMizrachOppenheim, Moritz DanielPaintingsPaintings, biblical imagesPesach platesPrinted booksPrints, biblical imagesPrints, cemeteriesPrints, Temple of JerusalemSamaritans, Bibles/Torah scrollsScrolls of EstherSeals/Stamps, rings

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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