
Catalogue of the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, 1887, Royal Albert Hall, and of Supplementary Exhibitions Held at the Public Record Office, British Museum, South Kensington Museum

in Catalog of Catalogs Online

(556 words)


Reuven Sassoon; Philip Salomons; Isaac Strauss.


London, United Kingdom, 1887. XXVI, 208 pp., illustrations: 1 b&w, 21 × 13.5 cm. English.


Royal Albert Hall (1887)


An exhibition of Anglo-Jewish Hebraica and Jewish Ceremonial Art that remains one of the largest and most comprehensive Judaica shows ever mounted. The exhibition and its supplements had a profound effect on the English Jewish community and brought about the founding of the Jewish Historical Society. Its stated aims were 1. To promote a knowledge of Anglo-Jewish history, to create a deeper interest in its record and relics, and to aid in their preservation, and 2. To determine the extent of the materials which exist for the compilation of a history of the Jews in England. Catalog compiled by Joseph Jacobs and Lucien Wolf. Material in 4 sections: I. Historic Relics and Records (including ceremonial and domestic objects once belonging to important figures) II. Jewish Ecclesiastical Art (Synagogue, Home, Personal – including the Strauss and Sassoon/Salomons Collections of Hebrew Ecclesiastical Art) III. Antiquities IV. Coins and Medals. Following the catalog of exhibits are lists of objects displayed in three supplementary exhibitions held in the Public Record Office, the South Kensington Museum, and the British Museum. 2,626 items (258 additional items displayed in the supplementary exhibitions).


Supplementary exhibitions: “Exhibition of Documents, &c., illustrating Anglo-Jewish History”, held at The Public Record Office; “Exhibition of Objects Illustrating Jewish Ecclesiastical Art” held at the South Kensington Museum; “Supplementary Exhibition of Mss., Engravings, and Printed Books”, held in the King’s Library, British Museum.


For later exhibitions patterned on this ground-breaking display, see #18 (1906) and #171 (1956).

main keywords


minor keywords

AmuletsAntisemitic images/objectsBesamimBiblesBook bindingsBoxers, professionalBridal/Wedding beltsCandlesticks/CandelabraChallah coversChuppahCircumcision clothsCircumcision cupsCircumcision implements/objectsCoats of ArmsCookbooks/RecipesCostumeEtrog containersHaggadotHaggadot, illuminated manuscriptsHanukkah lampsHead coverings, bridalHebrew illuminated manuscripts, BiblesHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Italy, 15th CHebrew illuminated manuscripts, Spain, 12th–14th CHistorical photographsHoly Land souvenirs, olive woodIndiaKeter TorahKetubbotKeysKiddush cupsLevite setsMatzah covers/bagsMedalsMenasseh ben IsraelMezuzah casesMicrographyMizrachMontefiore, MosesMusicMusic, synagogueNer TamidPainters, JewishPesach platesPorcelainPortraits, husband-wife pendantsPortraits, rabbisPrayers for the sovereignPrints, antisemiticPrints, cemeteriesPrints, Jewish customs & ceremoniesPrints, Jewish homes/residencesPrints, Jewish sitesPrints, synagoguesPurim platesReader’s deskReader’s desk coversRimmonimRings, signetRothschild FamilySalom Italia, Menasseh ben Israel portraitSamaritans, manuscriptsShechita knivesScrolls of Esther, casesScrolls of Esther, illuminatedScrolls of Esther, rollersSeals/Stamps, personalSeals/Stamps, rabbi’sShabbat lampsSmoking implementsSoldiers (Jewish) & related objectsSynagogue trowelsSynagogues, architectural plansSynagogues, EnglandTabletops painted with Jewish themeTassTefillin casesTemple of Jerusalem in art/architectureTobacco/Snuff boxesTombstones, sketches/rubbingsTorah Ark curtainsTorah Ark valancesTorah ArksTorah Arks, miniatureTorah bindersTorah casesTorah mantlesTorah stavesTzedakah boxes/containersWall hangings depicting the High HolidaysWedding cupsWedding ringsYadYom Kippur at Metz wall hanging

Other edition

deluxe, illustrated edition, 1888 [#7]

Catalog of Catalogs Online

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