Secondary Sources Amanda Hilmarsson-Dunn & Ari Pall Kristinsson, “The Language Situation in Iceland,” Current Issues in Language Planning 11, 3 (2010): 207. DOI: Detailed look at language policy over time. References and/or discussion of the wide-range of laws requiring the use of Icelandic or covering language policy. Subject Searches: Law--language. Primary Sources [Place Names Act] Lög um örnefni, Nr. 22/2015, effective 17 Mar 2015. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Rules on place names, etc. to protect Icelandic language, culture, and heritage.  [Act respecting the status of the Icelandic language and Icelandic sign language] Lög um stöðu íslenskrar tungu og íslensks táknmáls, Nr. 61/2011, effective 15 Jun 2011. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Icelandic is the official language. Provides support for Icelandic sign language and braille. Provides for the Icelandic Language Council and Icelandic Sign Language Council, and sets the policy for the government to preserve, promote and use Icelandic.  [Act on the Arni Magnusson Institute for Icelandic Studies] Lög um Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, Nr. 40/2006, effective 01 Sep 2006. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Creation of the Arni Magnusson Institute for Icelandic Studies which exists in part to conduct research into the Icelandic language and to promote greater knowledge of Icelandic.