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Secondary Sources Japan Agency for Cultural Affairs (文化庁 | Bunkachō), Policy (Tokyo: Bunkacho, 2018). Japan Agency for Cultural Affairs (文化庁 | Bunkachō), Cultural properties for future generations: outline of the cultural administration of Japan (Tokyo: Cultural Properties Department, Agency for Cultural Affairs, 2015). Japan Agency for Cultural Affairs (文化庁 | Bunkachō), Policy of Cultural Affairs in Japan: Fiscal 2018 (Tokyo: Commissioner's Secretariat, Agency for Cultural Affairs, 2018). Toshiyuki Kono, “The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Japan,” in The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Cham: Springer, 2019). Subject Searches: Cultural property--Protection--Law and legislation--Japan. Primary Sources [Act on protection of cultural properties] 文化財保護法 | Bunkazai hogohō, Act no. 214/1950, 30 May 1950. Hōrei DB.  [Act on controls on the illicit export and import and other matters of cultural property] 文化財の不法な輸出入等の規制等に関する法律 | Bunkazai no fuhōna yushutsunyū tō no kisei tō ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 81/2002, 03 Jul 2002. Hōrei DB. Translated:       --  JLT (2021). English.       --  AsianLII (2006). English.  [Act to promote the exhibition of foreign artwork and the like in Japan] 海外の美術品等の我が国における公開の促進に関する法律 | Kaigai no bijutsuhin tō no waga kuni ni okeru kōkai no sokushin ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 15/2011, 01 Apr 2011. Hōrei DB.  [Act concerning compensation for damage to artwork that may occur at an exhibition] 展覧会における美術品損害の補償に関する法律 | Tenrankai ni okeru bijutsuhin songai no hoshō ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 17/2011, 04 Apr 2011. Hōrei DB.  [Act on the promotion of Ainu culture, and dissemination and enlightenment of knowledge about Ainu tradition, etc.] アイヌ文化の振興並びにアイヌの伝統等に関する知識の普及及び啓発に関する法律 | Ainu bunka no shinkō narabi ni Ainu no dentō tō ni kansuru chishiki no fukyū oyobi keihatsu ni kansuru hōritsu, Act no. 52/1997, 14 May 1997. Hōrei DB. Translated:       --  JLT English. Outline only.       --  AsianLII (2007). English. Outline only.