Secondary Sources Subject Searches: Notaries--Iceland.Legal documents--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on Notaries] Lög um lögbókandagerðir, Nr. 86/1989, effective 14 Jun 1989. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Describes requirements for notaries and what effect a notarized document has.

Lögbirtingablad, 1.ár, 1908— (Reykajavik, 1908—) . Official gazette, generally having some regulations and commercial notices. The first 2 volumes are available in HathiTrust, It is available online from January 1, 2001 forward, Issued weekly, free and available in pdf format. You can also buy it in print. Act no. 15/2005, the Act on Official Gazette and Legislative Gazette, governs what should be published. Reglugerðasafn (Regulations) (1912—). Collection of current regulations. Regulations are first published in Part B of the Stjonartíoindi fyrir Island (Official Journal).

Secondary Sources V. Arnason, “Bioethics in Iceland: Recent Developments,” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25, 3 (2016): 421. DOI: The article examines the ethical issues surrounding population genetic research, and then briefly looks at the Act on Scientific Research in the Health Sector, a Reproductive Ethics bills, and the policy around consent for transplants. Subject Searches: Transplantation of organs, tissues, etc.-- Law and legislation--Iceland. Primary Sources [Organ Removal Act] Lög um brottnám líffæra, Nr. 16/1991, effective 17 Apr 1991. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Covers consent to organ donation.  [Act on Scientific Research in the Health Sector] Lög um vísindarannsóknir á heilbrigðissviði, Nr. 44/2014, effective 01 Jan 2015. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Health. Consolidated and unofficial. English. The act provides requirements for research in the health sector, including research on human subjects, biological samples and health data, and provides safeguards for participants.  [The Biobanks and Health Databanks Act] Lög um lífsýnasöfn og söfn heilbrigðisupplýsinga, Nr. 110/2000, effective 01 Jan 2001. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Health. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Requirements for collecting biological samples, establishing biobanks and health banks, operating biobanks and health databanks, access to health information, penalties for violating the act, etc.

Secondary Sources Subject Searches: Associations, institutions, etc.--Law and legislation--Iceland.Public interest groups--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on Foundations Engaging in Business Operations] Lög um sjálfseignarstofnanir sem stunda atvinnurekstur, Nr. 33/1999, effective 01 Nov 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Unofficial. English  [Registered Religious Organizations] Lög um skráð trúfélög og lífsskoðunarfélög, Nr. 108/1999, effective 01 Jan 2000. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Immunity and Privileges of International Organizations] Lög um friðhelgi og forréttindi alþjóðastofnana, Nr. 98/1992, effective 11 Dec 1992. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Unofficial. English.

Secondary Sources Danny Pieters, “Iceland,” in Social Security Law in Small Jurisdictions (Cham: Springer International Publishing: 2021), Part II. Ulrich Becker, “Country Report on Iceland,” in Security: A General Principle of Social Security Law in Europe (Groningen: Europa Law Pub., 2010), Chapter 6. Discussion of social protections from social security, health and pensions. Provides references to constitutional provisions, cases and the law. Gudny Bjork Eydal & Hrefna Fridriksdottir, “Child Maintenance Policies in Iceland: Caring Mothers and Breadwinning Fathers,” European Journal of Social Security 14 (2012): 267. Christine Skinner, Mia Hakovirta & Jacqueline Davidson, “A Comparative Analysis of Child Maintenance Schemes in Five Countries,” European Journal of Social Security 14, 4 (2012): 330. Social Insurance Administration (Tryggingastofnun). Information on social insurance and pensions. Subject Searches: Pensions--Law and legislation--Iceland.Social security--Law and legislation--Iceland.Public welfare--Law and legislation--Iceland. Primary Sources [Act on the National Institute for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Deafblind] Lög um þjónustu- og þekkingarmiðstöð fyrir blinda, sjónskerta og einstaklinga með samþætta sjón- og heyrnarskerðingu, Nr. 160/2008, effective 01 Jan 2009. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: National Institute for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Deafblind. Institute%20for%20the%20Blind%20Visually%20Impaired%20and%20Deafblind%20-%20Copy%20(1).pdf. Unofficial. English. Establishes the Institute and its services.  [Act on Health Insurance] Lög um sjúkratryggingar, Nr. 112/2008, effective 01 Oct 2008. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Regulates health insurance and the administration of health insurance.  [Social Security Act] Lög um almannatryggingar, Nr. 100/2007, effective 30 May 2007. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Provides requirements for social security pension insurance and social security occupational injury insurance.  [Social Assistance Act] Lög um félagslega aðstoð, Nr. 99/2007, effective 30 May 2007. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Provides social assistance benefits for persons domiciled in Iceland.  [Occupational Retirement Funds] Lög um starfstengda eftirlaunasjóði, Nr. 78/2007, effective 01 Jul 2007. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. EU directives applying to privately financed retirement schemes.  [Unemployment Insurance] Lög um atvinnuleysistryggingar, Nr. 54/2006, effective 01 Jul 2006. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Requirements for unemployment insurance for wage earners and self-employed individuals  [Act on Payments to Parents of Chronically Ill or Severely Disabled Children] Lög um greiðslur til foreldra langveikra eða alvarlega fatlaðra barna, Nr. 22/2006, effective 01 Jul 2006. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English.  [Children Act] Barnalög, Nr. 76/2003, effective 01 Nov 2003. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Justice. Consolidated and unofficial. English. The act covers the rights of children including establishing paternity, and the requirements for custody, visitation and child support. A child has a right to express an opinion in all matters concerning him/her.  [Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave] Lög um fæðingar- og foreldraorlof, Nr. 95/2000, effective 06 Jun 2000. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Act on the right to and administration of maternity/paternity leave and parental leave.  [Act on the Affairs of the Elderly] Lög um málefni aldraðra, Nr. 125/1999, effective 11 Jan 2000. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Covers access and provision of health services and social care services in a manner that meets the needs of individuals and allows for equal rights and self-determination.  [Farmer’s Pension Fund] Lög um Lífeyrissjóð bænda, Nr. 12/1999, effective 01 Jul 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Fund for Collective Pension Funds] Lög um Söfnunarsjóð lífeyrisréttinda, Nr. 155/1998, effective 01 Jan 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Covers employees engaged in business not covered by another pension fund.  [Act on Official Supervision of Financial Operations] Lög um opinbert eftirlit með fjármálastarfsemi, Nr. 87/1998, effective 01 Jan 1999. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Promote compliance of commercial banks and credit institutions, insurance enterprises, securities services, mutual funds, stock exchanges, pension funds, etc. with the laws and regulations applicable to each financial activity.  [Mandatory Pension Insurance and on the Activities of Pension Funds] Lög um skyldutryggingu lífeyrisréttinda og starfsemi lífeyrissjóða, Nr. 129/1997, effective 01 Jul 1998. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Mandatory guarantee of pension rights and activities of pension funds.  [Nursing Pension Fund] Lög um Lífeyrissjóð hjúkrunarfræðinga, Nr. 2/1997, effective 01 May 1997. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Government Employees Pension Fund Act] Lög um Lífeyrissjóð starfsmanna ríkisins, Nr. 1/1997, effective 01 May 1997. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Consolidated and unofficial. English.  [Pensions for the elderly] Lög um eftirlaun til aldraðra, Nr. 13/1994, effective 01 Oct 1994. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Benefits for members of labor unions.  [Act on the Affairs of Disabled People] Lög um málefni fatlaðs fólks, Nr. 59/1992, effective 01 Sep 1992. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. No%2059%201992%20with%20subsequent%20amendments.pdf. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Provides for the provision of services (housing, rehabilitation, social habilitation, transportation, employment, etc.) to ensure equality of rights and a standard of living comparable to other citizens. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other international obligations should be taken into account when applying the act.  [Municipalities’ Social Services Act] Lög um félagsþjónustu sveitarfélaga, Nr. 40/1991, effective 17 Apr 1991. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Welfare. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Covers social services provided by municipalities.  [Social Security Tax] Lög um tryggingagjald, Nr. 113/1990, effective 31 Dec 1990. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [European Social Charter] Félagsmálasáttmáli Evrópu, Nr. 3/1976, effective 14 Feb 1976. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.

Iceland provides electronic access to legislation, regulations and court decisions. The material is available in Icelandic. The Alþingi, Icelandic Parliament, available at is a source for online texts, but only in Icelandic, of all in-force Icelandic laws from 1900 (essentially from 1980) to current date. Click on Lagasafn to search by title, keyword, by year and law number, etc. These are consolidated session laws as of the current year. The Parliament has an English page, but this is primarily for brief news notes and information about Parliament. Previously, the Icelandic ministries of government were the best source for reasonably current texts of Icelandic legislation and regulation. All of that information was recently consolidated into the Government Offices of Iceland website, The Government Offices of Iceland is the best source for the text of some Icelandic legislation and regulations. Most are reasonably current. However, some of the translations provided are to laws that are no longer in force and have been replaced. Some translations do not incorporate recent amendments to the law. All of the translations are unofficial. You can also access news, reports and other information from the Government Offices of Iceland website. Research Guides: R. Tryggvadóttir, T. Ingadóttir, & E. Mathiesen, UPDATE: Researching Icelandic law (2019), Halvor Kongshavn, “Iceland,” in Information Sources in Law (Berlin; Boston: K.G. Saur: 1997), Chapter 14. DOI: This is an older guide but it provides a good introduction and details about the sources of law.

Secondary Sources Rannis (The Icelandic Center for Research).  Iceland, Science and Technology Policy 2020-2022. Subject Searches: Science and law--Iceland.Technology--Law and legislation--Iceland Primary Sources [Law on the Science and Innovation Council] Lög um Vísinda- og nýsköpunarráð, Nr. 137/2022, effective 01 Apr 2023. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Law on Public for Innovation] Lög um opinberan stuðning við nýsköpun, Nr. 25/2021, effective 01 Jul 2021. Consolidated and official. Icelandic.  [Act on Scientific Research in the Health Sector] Lög um vísindarannsóknir á heilbrigðissviði, Nr. 44/2014, effective 01 Jan 2015. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Health. Consolidated and unofficial. English. The act provides requirements for research in the health sector, including research on human subjects, biological samples and health data, and provides safeguards for participants.  [Act on Support for Innovation Enterprises] Lög um stuðning við nýsköpunarfyrirtæki, Nr. 152/2009, 01 Jan 2010. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Unofficial. English. Enterprises carrying out R&D projects certified by Rannis (the Icelandic Centre for Research) may be provided with tax credits against assessed income. Certification process is outlined in the act.  [Public Support for Research] Lög um opinberan stuðning við vísindarannsóknir, Nr. 3/2003, effective 07 Feb 2003. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Translated: Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation. Consolidated and unofficial. English. Provides support to fundamental and applied research, promotes cooperation between researchers, and ensures the availability of reliable and high-quality information on academic endeavors.  [Innovation Fund] Lög um Nýsköpunarsjóð atvinnulífsins, Nr. 61/1997, effective 30 May 1997. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. Deals with operation of the fund.  [The Act on GMOs] Lög um erfðabreyttar lífverur, Nr. 18/1996, effective 15 Apr 1996. Consolidated and official. Icelandic. The act covers all uses and activities with genetically modified organisms.