Encyclopaedia of Islam Online (EI Online incl. EI-2 French) consists of both the French version of the second edition (“EI2 French”) AND the third edition (“EI3”). The first edition ("EI1") and the English version of the second edition (
Encyclopaedia of Islam New Edition) are separate products.
EI3 is a work in progress, publication of which started in 2007. The search engine for EI Online automatically searches all editions (EI1, EI2, EI3 and EI2-French) and offers the most recent results first in the list of hits.
Encyclopaedia of Islam Online (EI Online incl. EI-2 French) consists of both the French version of the second edition (“EI2 French”) AND the third edition (“EI3”). The first edition ("EI1") and the English version of the second edition (
Encyclopaedia of Islam New Edition) are separate products.
EI3 is a work in progress, publication of which started in 2007. The search engine for EI Online automatically searches all editions (EI1, EI2, EI3 and EI2-French) and offers the most recent results first in the list of hits.