
(1,038 words)

In Index of Subjects  iatromathematics 188Iblīs 455Iconoclastic 108idea(s)     divine 337     miṯāl 335     Platonic 460, 585     transcendent (εἴδη χωριστά) 336ideal     ethical (ufuq) 472     Socratic 341, 396-397idolatry 245ignorance 323, 397, 755Iliad 87illness diseaseillumination, spiritual 7Illuminationism 8-9illusion 285     optical 176imagination(s) 169, 198, 262, 270, 314, 320, 336, 341, 410, 579-580, 583, 622, 625     imaginary perceptions (ḫayāl) 486     imaginative evocation (taḫyīl)...

Philosophy in the Islamic World Online: 8th-10th Centuries

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