
In Index of Names  Carmody, Francis J. 182Cassianus Bassus (6th cent.) 114Cebes 126, 670Celentano, Giuseppe 169Cheikho, Louis 592, 700Chrysippus of Soli (281/77–208/04 BC) 400, 662Chwolsohn, Daniil Avraamovič 707, 712Clearchus of Soli (born not later than 340 BC) 677Cleopatra (d. 30 BC), Ptolemaic Queen 551Colmo, Christopher A. 619Constantine (the Great, d. 337), Roman Emperor 551Corbin, Henry 5–9, 12, 14, 541–542, 630, 753Critias 78Crito 676Crone, Patricia 623, 629, 633, 674...

Philosophy in the Islamic World Online: 8th-10th Centuries

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