
Appendix 1: Mīrzā ʿAbd al-Muḥammad Muʾaddib al-Sulṭān Iṣfahānī Īrānī, Amān al-tawārīkh, volume 5, pp. 7–130/134

in Supplements to The History of Afghanistan

(52,187 words)

previous section  As noted earlier, there are two versions of this part of volume five, one is the manuscript held by Fales Library, the rare books department of New York University Libraries, and the other, a reduced-size facsimile edition of the work (Kabul: Riyāsat-i Intishārāt-i Kutub-i Bayhaqī, 2013) produced from the seven-volume Fales Library manuscript. The manuscript of volume five was not originally paginated and when page numbers were added, two page numbers were inadvertently omitted...

Supplements to The History of Afghanistan

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