
Unifying and Harmonizing Substantive Law and the Role of Conflict of Laws (Volume 340)

in The Hague Academy Collected Courses Online / Recueil des cours de l'Académie de La Haye en ligne
Katharina Boele-Woelki
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(74,652 words)

ABSTRACTTraditionally, conflict of law rules designate only national substantive law as the applicable law. Many unifying and harmonizing substantive law instruments of both States and non-State organizations, however, are designed specifically for application to cross-border relationships. Achieving this objective is, generally, hindered by conflict of law rules. The requirements which non-national law needs to fulfil in order to be accepted as the law governing a cross-border relationship deserve clarification. Not only uniform law, such as the CISG and the envisaged European substantive law instrument for the law of obligations, but, particularly, instruments which are aimed at harmonizing substantive law, challenge the established systems of conflict of laws. In seeking a positive approach towards the application of a law other than national law various aspects need to be considered: (1) is the decision taken by a court or an arbitral tribunal; (2) what field of law (contract/delict/tort or family relationships) is involved; and (3) the objective or subjective (choice by the parties) designation of the applicable law.

Le cours proposé par Katharina Boele-Woelki, professeur à l'Université d'Utrecht, concerne l'interaction entre l'unification et l'harmonisation du droit matériel d'une part, et les règles de conflits de lois d'autre part. Elle s'intéresse en particulier à la question de l'applicabilité de droits autres que le droit interne matériel dans les relations de droit privé. Ces droits « autres » comprennent le droit uniforme, d'une part, et le droit non interne comme les modèles de lois et les Principes d'autre part. Dans la première partie de son étude, le Professeur Boele-Woelki procède à une étude des instruments pertinents (unification, harmonisation, droit matériel et instruments de droit international privé) et, dans la seconde, elle s'intéresse à l'interaction entre ces éléments.

The Hague Academy Collected Courses Online / Recueil des cours de l'Académie de La Haye en ligne

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