Petros Karatsareas
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Animacy is an ontological category or semantic feature based on which nouns and their referents are classified as human or non-human, and as animate or inanimate. In Greek, gender assignment, gender agreement, and nominal inflection are the main grammatical domains in which animacy effects are found. Throughout Greek, the overwhelming majority of nouns that are assigned to the neuter gender denote inanimate entities. In Anc.Gk., it was not uncommon for agreement targets controlled by neuter nouns denoting humans to appear in the masculine or feminine gender, and for targets controlled by masculine and feminine nouns denoting inanimate entities to appear in the neuter. In Pontic Greek, inanimate masculine and feminine nouns trigger semantic agreement on almost all agreement targets. There is also a diachronic tendency for inanimate masculine and feminine nouns to develop forms belonging to the /i(n)/ neuter inflectional class.

Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online

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