
Createdness of the Qurʾān

in Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān Online
Richard C. Martin
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A central issue in Muslim theological discussion that asks whether the Qurʾān was created by God or is, like him, eternal. The term creation(khalq) appears 48 times in the Qurʾān and designates the natural world and all existence as God's creation (q.v.). Instances of the perfect and imperfect tenses of the verb (khalaqa, yakhluqu and the passive khuliqa, yukhlaqu) appear over 200 times in reference to God's act of creation. God himself is referred to in the Qurʾān as the Creator (khāliq) twelve times, e.g. “There is no God but he, the creator of everything” (q 6:102). The phrase khalq al-Qurʾānkhalq al-qurʾān i, 467b i, 470a ii, 531b iii, 467b iv, 73b , often rendered as “createdness of the Qurʾān” or “creation of the Qurʾān (by God),” does not occur in the Qurʾān as such. Assertions that the Qurʾān was created appeared at the beginning of the second/eighth century and eventually came to be associated primarily with the heterodox theological school known as the Muʿtazila (see muʿtazilīs ).

Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān Online

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