
Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Online

The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Online is an essential resource for analyzing Europe's dynamic Muslim populations. Featuring up-to-date research from more than 40 European countries, this comprehensive reference work summarizes significant activities, trends and developments affecting Europe's Muslim populations. The Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Online is updated annually with the most current information available from surveyed countries. The updates consist of annual overviews of statistical and demographic data, topical issues of public debate, shifting transnational networks, changes in domestic and legal policies, and major activities in Muslim organizations and institutions.

In addition to offering a relevant framework for original research, the Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Online provides an invaluable source of reference for government and NGO officials, journalists, policy-makers, and related research institutions.

Features & Benefits of the online version:
- Full-text key word search across all years and countries
- Country overview: click on a country to find the analysis per year for that country
- Year overview: click on a year to find the analysis per country for that year
- Complete collection: covers Volumes 1-15. One new volume added every year

Customers should be aware that volumes 1-7 of the Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Online are also available as part of Brill's Middle East and Islamic Studies E-Book Collections. These E-Books do not feature the additional functionalities featured in the Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Online. Volumes 8 and onwards are not available as e-books, but only appear in the Yearbook of Muslims in Europe Online. For the print version, please visit Yearbook of Muslims in Europe.

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Volume 16 (2023)
Volume 15 (2022)
Volume 14 (2021)
Volume 13 (2020)
Volume 12 (2019)
Volume 11 (2018)
Volume 10 (2017)
Volume 9 (2016)
Volume 8 (2015)
Volume 7 (2014)
Volume 6 (2013)
Volume 5 (2012)
Volume 4 (2011)
Volume 3 (2010)
Volume 2 (2009)
Volume 1 (2008)
Editors-in-Chief: and
Researchers, students, journalists, government and NGO officials, and officials of international organizations working with minorities, migration and Muslim communities inside and outside Europe.
Samim Akgönül is Professor at Strasbourg University and researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He also teaches Political Science at Syracuse University, USA, and International Relations at several Turkish universities. Among his recent publications are The Minority Concept in the Turkish Context: Practices and Perceptions in Turkey, Greece and France (Leiden: Brill, 2013), Göçebe Yazilar (Istanbul: BGST, 2015), and La Turquie “nouvelle”: du rêve d’Europe au cauchemar du Proche Orient (Paris: Lignes de Repères, 2017).

Ahmet Alibašić is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, University of Sarajevo, and Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Sarajevo. He writes on Islam in Southeast Europe, contemporary Islamic political thought, and interreligious relations.

Stephanie Müssig is researcher at the Erlangen Centre of Islam and Muslims in Europe (EZIRE), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Her research interests include political attitudes and behaviour of immigrants, and quantitative-empirical research on Muslim religion. Her most recent publication is Die politische Partizipation von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020).

Jørgen S. Nielsen is Professor of Contemporary European Islam, University of Birmingham, UK, and Hon. Professor of Islamic Studies at the Faculties of Theology and Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Since 1978 he has been researching and writing about Islam in Europe. He is the author of Muslims in Western Europe (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 4th edition, with Jonas Otterbeck, 2015), editor of Islam in Denmark: The Challenge of Diversity (Lanham: Lexington, 2012), and editor of Muslim Political Participation in Europe (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013).

Egdūnas Račius is Professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies at the Department of Area Studies, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania. His field of interest is European Muslim communities in Eastern Europe, particularly European converts to Islam. His most recent publication is Muslims in Eastern Europe (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018).