
Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism Online

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, published both in print and online, is the first comprehensive academic reference work devoted to the plurality of Buddhist traditions across Asia, offering readers a balanced and detailed treatment of this complex phenomenon in seven thematically arranged volumes: Literature and Languages (I, publ. 2015), Lives (II, publ. 2019), Thought: Traditions (III-1, forthcoming 2024), Thought: Doctrines and Concepts (III-2, forthcoming 2025), History: South Asia (IV-1, forthcoming 2025), History: Central and East Asia (IV-2, publ. 2023), Life and Practice (V, forthcoming 2026), Index and Remaining Issues (VI, forthcoming 2027).
Each volume contains substantial original essays by many of the world’s foremost scholars, essays which not only cover basic information and well-known issues but which also venture into areas as yet untouched by modern scholarship. An essential tool for anyone interested in Buddhism, the online resource will provide easy access to the encyclopedia’s ever-growing corpus of information.
The online edition of History: Central and East Asia, IV-2, has been published online in November 2023 with further volumes following after their original publication in print.
Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism is under the general editorial control of Jonathan Silk ( Leiden University, editor-in-chief). Each volume has a dedicated board of specialist editors and in later volumes also a volume editor; in the series so far this includes Richard Bowring ( University of Cambridge), Vincent Eltschinger ( École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris), Oskar von Hinuber ( Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg) and Michael Radich ( Heidelberg University).

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